Bat Removal & Exclusion

Our Four Step Process


We perform a comprehensive wildlife inspection to determine possible entry points and confirm target species activity to form a removal strategy. Bats pose a specifically difficult challenge due to the small sized entry points they can utilize.

Seal-Up & Exclusion

Before eviction can take place, we will seal up all potential entry points with strong material, leaving the main entry points open for eviction. This can be done even during the limitation periods on bat eviction

Eviction & Removal

We perform humane bat eviction by installing one-way valves over the primary entry points and keep them up until we are confident all of the bats are safely removed. Eviction can only be done certain times of year when allowed by law.

Recurring Warranty

After exclusion, we offer the opportunity to extend the original one-year guarantee with annual inspections. This allows us to quickly address any vulnerabilities that pop up during the course of that year, preventing the issue from reoccurring


Bats, with their nocturnal habits and unique flying abilities, are fascinating creatures. However, when these winged mammals take up residence in your home or property, they can swiftly become a major concern. In such circumstances, professional assistance is essential to ensure their humane and efficient removal. When facing a bat infestation, Shore Pest Solutions offers expert guidance and a range of services to effectively address the issue.

Understanding Bat Behavior

Before delving into the removal process, it’s crucial to understand bat behavior. Bats are nocturnal creatures that roost in dark, secluded areas during the day. They are attracted to warm, sheltered spaces such as attics, chimneys, and wall voids. Bats primarily feed on insects and are drawn to areas with abundant insect populations.

The Risks of Bat Infestations

Bat infestations can lead to a series of problems:

Property Damage: Bats can cause damage to property by leaving behind droppings (guano), which can accumulate and cause staining, odor, and structural damage.

Health Risks: Bats are known carriers of diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis. Their droppings can harbor fungi and bacteria that pose health risks to humans and pets if inhaled or ingested. Bats can also traverse through a very small opening approximately (1/4″) which frequently allows them to enter living areas posing a risk for bites.

Limited Window for Eviction and Baby Season

It’s important to note that there is a limited window for bat eviction each year, as bats are protected during their maternity season. This typically occurs from spring to late summer when female bats give birth and raise their young. During this time, it’s illegal to disturb or remove bats from their roosts to prevent harm to the offspring. Therefore, timing is crucial when planning bat removal efforts to ensure compliance with wildlife regulations.

The Removal Process

Inspection: The initial step in bat removal is a thorough inspection of your property. Our experts will identify entry points, assess the extent of the infestation, and determine the species of bats involved.

Humane Exclusion: Shore Pest Solutions employs humane exclusion techniques to safely and effectively remove bats from your property. This may include the installation of one-way exclusion devices that allow bats to leave but prevent them from re-entering.

Sealing Entry Points: After the bats have been excluded, our team will seal up any active entry points to prevent future re-entry. This helps to ensure that your home remains bat-free and secure.

Preventative Measures

At Shore Pest Solutions, we don’t just stop at removal; we also offer preventative measures to keep bats and other pests from returning. This includes installing bat houses as alternative roosting sites, and providing recommendations to make your property less attractive to bats.

By addressing bat infestations with a combination of removal, exclusion, and preventative measures, Shore Pest Solutions can help ensure the safety and comfort of your home while respecting the importance of bats in the ecosystem.

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