Birds & Nest Removal

Our Four Step Process


We perform a comprehensive inspection to determine nesting areas and activity to form a removal strategy. Birds pose a specifically difficult challenge due to the often hard to reach areas they build their nests

Nest & Bird Removal

After identification of species, we will remove any nests currently causing issues. Afterwards we will identify possible solutions to prevent them from being rebuilt such as visual deterrent devices or exclusion devices such as vent covers

Sanitizing Nesting Area

After nests are removed we will clean and sanitize the nesting areas preventing the infestation of bird mites and help prevent the spread of any disease they may have been carrying. We will also install a simple patch over any areas if they were nesting in a void

Deterrent Measures

After removal and cleaning we can assist in forming a bird management plan including installation of deterrent devices and mechanical exclusion devices. We can also assist in habitat modification for long-term prevention

Birds & Nest Removal

Birds, with their graceful flight and melodious songs, are beloved creatures. However, when these feathered friends decide to build nests in or around your home, they can quickly become a nuisance. In such situations, seeking professional assistance is essential to ensure their humane and efficient removal. When facing a bird nest infestation, Shore Pest Solutions offers expert guidance and a range of services to effectively address the issue.

Understanding Bird Behavior

Before delving into the removal process, it’s crucial to understand bird behavior. Birds often seek sheltered and elevated locations to build their nests, such as eaves, chimneys, vents, and gutters. They are attracted to these areas for protection from predators and the elements, as well as for raising their young.

The Risks of Bird Infestations

Bird infestations can lead to various problems:

Property Damage: Birds can cause damage to property by building nests in or on structures, leading to clogged gutters, blocked vents, and unsightly messes.

Health Risks: While birds themselves are not typically harmful, their nests can harbor disease ands attract pests like insects and rodents, and their droppings may harbor bacteria and fungi that pose health risks to humans and pets. Bird mites are also a frequent issue following a bird infestation.

The Removal Process

Inspection: The initial step in bird nest removal is a thorough inspection of your property. Our experts will identify active nests, assess the extent of the infestation, and determine the best approach for removal.

Humane Removal: Shore Pest Solutions employs humane methods to safely remove bird nests and relocate any fledglings if necessary. Our removal process prioritizes the well-being of both the birds and your family. After removal nesting sites are cleaned and sprayed with a sanitizer to prevent any bird mite infestations.

Exclusion Measures: After the nests have been removed, our team can implement exclusion measures to prevent birds from returning. This may include installing deterrents such as bird spikes, netting, or visual repellents to discourage nesting in the future.

Preventative Measures

In addition to removal and exclusion, Shore Pest Solutions offers preventative measures to deter birds from returning:

  • Sealing off potential entry points and repairing any damaged areas where birds may gain access.
  • Providing recommendations for habitat modifications to make your property less attractive to nesting birds, such as trimming trees and shrubs near structures.

By addressing bird nest infestations with a combination of removal, exclusion, and preventative measures, Shore Pest Solutions can help ensure the safety and integrity of your home while respecting the natural behaviors of these beautiful avian visitors.

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