Humane Skunk Removal

Our Four Step Process


We perform a comprehensive wildlife inspection to determine possible entry points and confirm target species activity to form a removal strategy.


We perform humane live trapping by installing traps near or over the primary entry points and keep trapping until the target animal is captured or activity concludes


After trapping and when we are sure all animals have been safely removed, we will seal up all active entry points with strong material. This will allow time to have permanent repairs done


We also offer an array of wildlife exclusion devices designed to keep the critters out. We will put together a comprehensive and customized solution to keep your home protected.


Skunks, with their distinctive appearance and potent odor, are intriguing creatures. However, when these nocturnal mammals take up residence in your home or property, they can quickly become a significant concern. In such circumstances, seeking professional assistance is essential to ensure their humane and efficient removal. When faced with a skunk infestation, Shore Pest Solutions offers expert guidance and a range of services to effectively address the issue.

Understanding Skunk Behavior

Before addressing the removal process, it’s crucial to understand skunk behavior. Skunks are known for their black and white fur and their ability to spray a strong-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism. They are primarily nocturnal omnivores, feeding on insects, small animals, fruits, and plants. Skunks are attracted to areas with readily available food sources and shelter, making human habitats appealing nesting sites.

The Risks of Skunk Infestations

Skunk infestations can lead to various problems:

Property Damage: Skunks can cause damage to property by digging burrows under structures such as porches, decks, and sheds. Their digging behavior can compromise the integrity of foundations and landscaping.

Risk Of Being Sprayed: Skunks, while typically considered to be docile can still pack quite a punch. Their noxious and disorienting spray can be released at a moments’ notice with surprising precision. Depending on the time of year and activity level, there is always a risk of encountering a skunk and getting sprayed without much warning in areas they are active.

Health Risks: Skunks are potential carriers of diseases such as rabies and can transmit parasites like fleas and ticks. Their spray can cause temporary discomfort and irritation to humans and pets.

The Removal Process

Inspection: The first step in skunk removal is a thorough inspection of your property to identify areas of skunk activity, potential entry points, and den sites.

Humane Trapping and Removal: Shore Pest Solutions utilizes humane traps specifically designed for skunks, strategically placed in areas of high activity. Our removal process prioritizes the safe and humane relocation of skunks away from your property.

Exclusion Measures: After removing skunks from your property, our team can implement exclusion measures to prevent their return. This may include sealing off access points, reinforcing vulnerable areas, and installing barriers or fencing.

Preventative Measures

In addition to removal and exclusion, Shore Pest Solutions offers preventative measures to deter skunks from returning such as dig defense around sheds or patios, and other exclusion devices designed to keep animals out.

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